2022 Senior Pastor Report 主任牧師報告
Rev. Pierre Tang
"Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect." (Romans 12:2, ESV)
Our theme in 2022 is "Renewing the Mind. Fanning the Flame". Brothers and sisters were transformed by the renewal of their minds from God. We have experienced new things together in the post-pandemic environment.
Our Congregations
Thank God for His provisions and blessings upon our 3 congregations. Many meaningful ministry initiatives took place here in 2022. All congregations and the Family Ministry were working hard to resume in-person gatherings. CSC and MSC have resumed baptisms by following the precedent practice of ESC. We are grateful for witnessing the testimony of brothers and sisters. In addition, the Family Ministry has put in extra effort to resume our in-person VBS in the summer and weekly Children's Sunday school in September. Praise God for raising a new generation of youth leaders from NYCBC to serve the children.
NYCBC is fervent in proclaiming the Gospel to the community. We have received many newcomers in all three congregations, particularly in CSC, where there is an influx of Hong Kong immigrants. CSC has called for a ministry partnership across congregations and the Thanksgiving Fund by preparing over 1,000 gift boxes for low-income families during Christmas. In ESC, Pastor Lane Davis led a "Building a Culture of Evangelism" series. Pastor Lane also led brothers and sisters to participate in personal evangelism in parks. Our MSC has experienced the growth of newcomers, with many eager to hear the Gospel during Sunday school and later converted to Christ. We thank God for the brothers and sisters actively welcoming the newcomers in creative and caring ways.
Appreciation to Coworkers, Leaders, Brothers and Sisters
Lastly, I want to express my appreciation to pastoral and administrative staff, deacons, ministry group leaders, fellowship/group leaders, and others who faithfully build NYCBC together. Thank you for the time and effort you put in for our church. Earlier this year, we said farewell to Rev. David Yu (MSC Pastor) and Susan Qiu (MSC Women Ministry Director). We thank you for their dedicated services and wish them all the best in their new chapters in life. We also congratulate the ordination of Pastor David Yu, Pastor Brian Wong and Pastor Joel Tang. May they continue to preach the Word and sound doctrine faithfully! We finally welcome Pastor Edmond Chung (CSC Pastor), Wai Ling Pang (CSC Intern), Lana Hu (MSC Intern) and James Lam (MSC Intern) on board. May God make them a blessing to the family of NYCBC!
To conclude, NYCBC did face some challenges and attritions in 2022. Leaders were vulnerable to coping with difficulties, and our unity was tested. Nevertheless, God is good to us. New mercies have been pouring upon us daily. We grow more mature and Christ-like!
「不要效法這個世界,只要心意更新而變化, 叫你們察驗何為神的善良、純全、可喜悅的旨意。」羅馬書 12:2
2022 年教會的主題是「心意更新、薪火相傳」。神在弟兄姊妹身上施行了心意更新的變化。在後疫情的環境裡,我們一同經歷新的事。
感謝神給三堂的供應和賜福。在 2022 年裡,有很多有意義的事工展開。三堂和家庭事工均努力去重啟實體聚會。按著英語堂先前的做法,粵語堂及國語堂復辦浸禮。感恩可以一同見證弟兄姊妹的信仰歷程。另外,家庭事工花上很多功夫,先在夏天重啟實體暑期聖經日營,及稍後在九月份開始每週的實體兒童主日學。讚美神興起北約家裡青年的一代服侍小朋友。
北約家也熱切的在社群中傳講福音。三堂迎接了很多新來賓,特別粵語堂正經歷新一波從香港來的移民潮。在聖誕期間,粵語堂發起了一個與其他兩堂和感恩基金合辦的送禮物行動。我們共預備了超過一千份禮物贈送給低收入家庭。在英語堂, Lane Davis 牧師主領了「建立傳福音文化」的系列。Davis 牧師還帶領弟兄姊妹在附近的公園作個人佈道。國語堂同樣蒙神加添新來賓的人數。他們有不少參加了主日學渴慕裡認識福音,並且決志相信基督。我們為著弟兄姊妹活躍地以創新及關懷的方式,去歡迎新來賓感謝神。
簡單總結,北約家在 2022 年裡面對了一些挑戰及衝擊。領袖也免不了在處理困難的時候有軟弱的一面,而我們的合一也受到考驗。然而,神仍然恩待我們。每天都有新的憐憫臨到我們。我們在生命成熟和更像基督上都有成長!