I have attended the Cantonese language Tai Chi classes almost every Thursday since May 2017. I am not Christian, I am not Chinese, I do not speak or understand Cantonese, and I did not know Tai Chi. One of the participants who did an exercise class with me at another location, upon hearing that I was interested in Tai Chi, invited me to try a class at her church. I decided to approach it as a means of keeping my mind fit: using the right side of my brain to follow the instructions without understanding the words. It turned out to be a wonderful experience.
The NYCBC Tai Chi teacher is obviously a world class expert. However, even more important, the ethos of the NYCBC community services program is genuine; strangers are made truly welcome, with no overt expectation that they will become Christian and/or members of the church. Every church member clearly, and simply, wants the best for the newcomer; my wife and I were overwhelmed at the royal treatment we received when we came to the Chinese New Year party. Thank you, and may you continue, as it says in the Bible, Isaiah 49:6 to be a “light unto the nations”.