Community Service Ministry 社群服務事工

社群服務事工Community Service Ministry
10 名組員 members

Coordinator 組長:

  • Maye Wong 王美棱

Members 組員:

  • Celia Chung 林鍾少英

  • Charlotte Ho 郝秀娟

  • Karen Wong 王郭秀晶

  • Philip Cheng 鄭永平

  • Theresa Kwong 鄺陳雪芳

  • Richard Ho 何家祿

  • Connie Hu 黃鈺珍

Ministry Description 事工簡介


To reach out to our community with the love and care of Christ through the provision of various community services, working in partnership with other Church Ministries such as Caring and Local Outreach.

Areas of Ministry

  1. Ministry Coordination

    • Provide overall leadership and coordination of CSM

  2. Publications, Promotion & Communication

    • Share the vision of “Relationship Evangelism through Community Services” with the NYCBC congregations

    • Provide effective communication within and without CSM

    • Promote Community Services activities as a means to bring the community into our Church

  3. Workshops

    • Invite appropriate Workshop Speakers and liaise with them before and after the workshops.

    • Coordinate and partner with Yee-Hong for appropriate Workshop Speakers

    • Arrange for Workshop Speakers’ parking permits and welcome

    • Determine the contents and schedule for the bi-monthly Workshops

  4. Registration & Reception

    • Welcome new members, introduce to them the various available activities and membership guidelines

    • Assist newcomers with completion of Membership Application Form: collect Membership Fees and arrange for parking permits

    • Complete activities enrollment process

  5. Technology

    • Manage the CSM database and optimize the use of computer on various CSM operations

  6. Evangelism & Outreach Network

    • Build up brothers and sisters to form a Gospel Life Network through various activities, identify the seekers, get to know them, nurture them to live a new life in Christ

  7. Mandarin Community

    • Manage and develop the Mandarin-speaking community in CSM

  8. Social Caring Action

    • Promote social caring actions for the community

  9. Administration

    • Assist with all aspects of the operation and administration of CSM

  10. Audio-Visual

    • Arrange and set up all the audio-visual equipment requirement of the Workshop and other activities of CSM

  11. Sports (Table Tennis) Activities

    • Manage and develop the Table Tennis Sport in CSM

  12. Resources

    • Coordinate and allocate the venue and facilities (e.g. tables and chairs) needs of the various CSM activities

Note: In addition to the above major areas of responsibilities, CSM Committee Members will be assigned to be Classes / Activities Coordinators for the purpose of providing oversight (direction, schedules, contents, etc.) over designated Classes / Activities.


  • 提供各類社群服務,向我們的社群表達基督的愛及關懷,藉以外展。並與其他事工合作,例如:關顧事工,本地福音事工。


1.  事工統籌

  • 統籌及帶領事工的整體運作

2.  刊物、宣傳及溝通

  • 向北約會眾分享“透過服務社群作友誼佈道”的異象。

  • 負責社群服務及活動的資訊交流。

  • 吸引社區大眾透過各類的社群服務進入我們的教會。

3.  講座聯絡

  • 透過不同渠道邀請適合講員,講座前後的聯絡。

  • 保持與頤康中心聯絡,合作安排講員。                                                    

  • 為講員安排教會泊車證,迎接講員。

  • 負責編寫每兩個月的講座內容。

4.  註冊,登記及接待

  • 歡迎接待新的朋友,介紹及解釋社群活動內容、會員須知。

  • 協助填寫表格,收集費用,辦理泊車證。

  • 辦理入班事項。

5.  資料電腦化處理及運用

  • 負責事工組的資料登記,電腦化處理及運用。

6.  福音網絡及外展

  • 建立福音生命網絡,透過友誼活動結連慕道朋友,發掘,  栽培,並建立新生命。

7.  國語群體聯絡

  • 負責國語群體社群服務的管理及發展事宜。

8.  社關及行動

  • 推動社區關懷,實踐關愛行動。

9. 行政助理

  • 為事工組的運作提供支援。

10. AV 組

  • 協助安排講座及活動所需的AV工具。 

11. 球類活動 (乒乓) 聯絡

  • 負責乒乓球類活動服務的管理及發展事宜。


  • 負責場地,椅桌、分配安排

備註: 除上述主要職務外,社群服務事工委員將被委派為“班活動聯絡”督導各班活動編排及調配,負責為各班(包括:健體運動、興趣班及ESL英語班)課程提供方向、編排及內容。

2022 Ministry Report 事工報告

1. The goals of the ministry group for the Year 2022 

  • To connect with old members,provide support, care and encouragement to those needy, and to build a trusting relationship with them.

  • To reach out to those non-members who newly join Zoom activities, encourage and prepare them to join in -person classes in October 2022.

  • To share the Gospel with participants throughout workshops.

  • To provide care and technical support to class Instructors around their use of Zoom for class instruction.

2. The highlights of the activities for achieving the goals

  • All CS classes ran regularly as planned through Zoom throughout 2022. The average weekly participants numbered over 200.

  • Workshops were offered twice a month on Zoom with over 100 persons everytime.   3 workshops with topics of evangelistic nature  topics  were organized during the year.

  • Tele greeting continued in 2022, which helped the ministry to be more aware of individuals with special needs.

  • The first stage of CS classes re- opening in person happened on October 22. 4 classes returned to 685 Church for their classes.

  • CS had a great Christmas celebration on Zoom for their participants on December 14 2022        .      .It was attended by 180 people. 

3. The results and some forward looking sharing

  • CS is planning to resume all its classes and workshops in-person on April 2023.

  • To help MSC to start offering workshops for outreach purpose. Workshop topics to be relevant to their needs.

  • To encourage more Mandarin speaking CS members and their relatives & friends to attend workshop since Mandarin translation has always been provided in workshop.

  • To offer more evangelistic activities for CS members, seekers and Instructors so that they can learn more about Christianity.

Expense Summary 支出摘要

2022 Actual
2022 Budget
% Underspending
$1,962 $5,720 $3,758 66%