Ministry Report Index 事工報告索引
CSC 粵語堂
ESC 英語堂
MSC 国语堂
Churchwide 全教會事工
Administration Committee 行政委員會
粵語堂教導事工 CSC Teaching Ministry
教導事工6 名組
Coordinator 組長:
Vincent Fong 方振邦
Members 組員:
Ivy Yan 甄司徒蘇華
Cindy Chan 陳善兒
Pedral Cheng 鄭潔恩
Hermas Lo 盧有恭
鼓勵弟兄姊妹繼續使用靈修日記 、培養良好靈修生活。
統籌 ( 一般性策劃、召開會議、進度及週年報告 ) ( 1 名 )
編排課程及教學資源 ( 1 名 )
師資訓練 / 進修 ( 1 名 )
靈修 ( 1 名 )
行政 ( 會議記錄、學生出席表、主日學所需物品、地方安排 ) ( 1 名 )
發掘及安排在主日學時間內可推行的聖經及有關課程 (1名)
The goals of the ministry group for the Year 2022
Help the current SS teachers so that they can pass on the bible teachings to brothers and sisters.
Recruit more teachers so that more classes (addressing different needs of b/s)
Cultivate a bible-learning atmosphere at the congregational level – encourage more members taking Sunday School classes.
The highlights of the activities for achieving the goals
Co-operate with International School of Christian Education (ISCE) from Canadian Chinese School of Theology (CCST) and also invite individual Pastors to hold different seminars , by encouraging and sponsoring our SS teachers to attend suitable training classes.
For the CSC Adult Sunday School, we had Book of Genesis Chapter 13-50 in Jan-Mar, Gospel of John in Apr - June, Book of Exodus in Sept-Dec.
In Jul and August, Rev. Dr. Huckle Choi taught the “Prayer Life”.
For the evening classes, we had offered “Christian Family Education” by Dr. Ernest Cheng in March, “Understanding and Teaching Old Testament” by Dr. Rueben Lee in Sept.
In order to equip our SS teachers, we coordinate the “Understanding and Teaching Gospel of John”, “Understanding and Teaching Book of Exodus” and “Understanding and Teaching Book of Isaiah Part 1” in the year 2022.
In view of the needs of the influx of new immigrants from Hong Kong through Stream A and Stream B immigration system, CSC had several Sunday School classes at 11:15 am and the target audiences were the non-believers.
Also, Rev. Pierre Tang held a prayer retreat for CSC in Sept at Crieff Hills Retreat Centre.
In Dec, we had an opportunity to hold a luncheon with the SS teachers in Church to share our needs and supports.
The results and some forward looking sharing
After over 2 years of online Sunday School learning due to Covid starting in March 2020 lock down. In Sep 2002, we started to have both in person and online Sunday School class simultaneously. By God’s graces and blessings, we can see brothers and sisters are still eager to learn and participate.
We also see a tremendous need for encouraging and equipping our brothers and sisters participating in the caring of the newcomers and spreading the gospel. In 2023, we hope to have more opportunities to work on different areas to achieve this idea.
In addition, Teaching Ministry decided to participate in the Church library. We hope to revitalize the existing setting and encourage brothers and sisters to read more books to help their spiritual growth.