Ministry Report Index 事工報告索引
CSC 粵語堂
ESC 英語堂
MSC 国语堂
Churchwide 全教會事工
Administration Committee 行政委員會
Multimedia Ministry 多媒體事工
多媒體事工 Multimedia Ministry (12 名組員members)
Coordinator 組長:
Bovey Hui 許邦彥 (CSC)
Members 組員:
Ralph Wong 黃樂信 (ESC)
Samuel Yeung 楊溢智 (ESC)
Simon Fan 范瑞暉 (ESC)
Grace Leung 梁美恩 (ESC)
Randall Chong 張維揚 (ESC)
Albert Loe 呂凌杰 (CSC)
Danny Leung 梁偉強 (CSC)
Vincent Choi 蔡嘉偉 (CSC)
Leo Tam 譚耀燊 (CSC)
Libo He 和立波 (MSC)
Ministry Description 事工簡介
To provide AV support to the church
Areas of Ministry
To provide and coordinate AV support and services for church ministries.
To provide AV services for outside church ministries (occasional and upon request).
To oversee AV projects.
Major Roles
MMM Coordinator
MMM Secretary
ESC AV Coordinator
MSC AV Coordinator
CSC (9:30AM) AV Coordinator
CSC (11:00AM) AV Coordinator
2022 Ministry Report 事工報告
1. The goals of the ministry group for the Year 2022
Provide churchwide support in A/V needs
The highlights of the activities for achieving the goals
Improved A/V equipments for ESC Sunday school streaming
Added and replaced audio equipments in 685 sanctuary
Replaced 685 A/V room chairs
Added and installed camera for 675 sanctuary for MSC worship streaming purpose
Upgraded 675 sanctuary A/V system to meet Diaspora Toronto Church’s need (supported by Supply and Maintenance Team)
Installed A/V system in 685 3rd Floor Multi-purpose room (supported by Supply and Maintenance Team)
The results and some forward looking sharing
Improved 675 sanctuary A/V system facilitates Diaspora Toronto Church and MSC needs
Multi-purpose room serves different congregations, e.g. fellowship meetings, children Sunday school, etc.
Looking forward - Upgrade and replace aging A/V equipment such as computers, speakers, etc.